Wednesday, March 10
The story of Joseph is my all time favorite from the book of Genesis. So although the other readings tempted me, I ended coming back to this one.
In Genesis 45:16-28, we are at the end of this epic story. The brothers have learned that the true identity of Pharaoh’s right-hand man is none other than their brother Joseph, Jacob’s favorite son. Although we can learn a lot from Joseph's trust in God to see him through all of his troubles, and his ability to forgive his brothers, there is a lot to be said for what we can learn from the brothers. This part of the story finds the brothers returning to Canaan to fetch Jacob and all their households and move back to Egypt at the generous invitation of Joseph, and Pharaoh as well. So what has really changed from the beginning of the story when the brothers hated Joseph? They “hated” (my Bible says) him because they thought he was trying to reign over them. Well that’s not even an idea anymore; it’s going to be a reality when they return to Egypt. So what has changed? Yes, I know life is hard in Canaan. They might starve if they stay, but they could hang on to their bitterness and their pride. Would we really be that surprised if one or two of them did not return? I don’t think I would be surprised. Sad, but not surprised. What does that say about me? That I understand human nature, or is it deeper than that, that I have been there and had to contemplate such choices. I don’t want to make choices that are sad. I want to receive God’s grace, and I’ll try to remember the story of Joseph’s brothers accepting their brother’s forgiveness and receiving God’s grace the next time I try to hold onto something that I need to let go of.
Melonye Suarez