Tuesday, March 9
Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (394)
“And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.” KJV
God has a plan and prepares the way before us. Even though we do not see nor understand, we have to live by the faith that He loves us and is always revealing Himself to us and will always do what is ultimately best for us.
This Genesis passage is the culmination of all the years of Joseph's sufferings, trials, dangers and threatenings. It probably did not seem like a good thing to Joseph to be hated and mocked by his brothers, sold in to slavery, later wrongfully imprisoned for years and forgotten.
God had a plan through it all, and was weaving a beautiful tapestry of Joseph’s life. Part of God's plan was finally revealed when Joseph obediently waited and then at God's proper timing, revealed himself to his brothers. Joseph had been sent ahead to Egypt to save his brothers and his father from famine and certain death.
Jesus was sent ahead to save our lives by a great deliverance. Our Father sent precious Jesus to earth to certain death, because of His great love.
By His wounds we are healed, His body for our healing, His blood for our salvation - indeed a great deliverance, the greatest of all.
God has a plan for you and I. I pray that the beauty of His plan comes more in to view and becomes more clarified this Lenten Season.
God speaks through our circumstance and many other ways. The purpose is always to draw us closer to His heart.
Joyce Westlake