Psalm 72
Jeremiah 3: 6-18
Romans 1: 28– 2:11
John 5: 1-18
In John 5:1-18, Jesus asks "Do you want to be healed". The question seems rhetorical, especially considering the fact that I am sitting in a hospital at the moment. I am pretty sure everyone in this building is looking for healing, my dad included.
Like those of us at the hospital today, I feel sure the man that Jesus spoke to at the pool wanted to be healed, otherwise why would he have been at the healing pool, right? But his initial reaction to the question was not an immediate “Yes!”, “You Bet”, “Of course”. Instead, he completely missed the reason for the question. Jesus had just extended him an “Invitation” to accept healing, but instead he interpreted it as a criticism or questioning of his own inability to be the first to navigate to the pool when the waters stilled so that he could receive its healing power. So the man listed his excuses and complaints as to why he had not been healed. Not because he didn't want it, but because of things he felt were beyond his control.
Lucky for him, Jesus did not listen to his protests, and places the Invitation in his hand, and tells him “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” This time, the man “gets it”, he accepts the invitation, and that is the new beginning for the man who was an invalid for 38 years.
Dear Lord, have mercy on all those who suffer and seek healing. Restore to them health of body, mind, and spirit according to their needs. Move our hearts to help those who suffer, just as Jesus was moved by the man at the pool. And help us to recognize an invitation from Jesus when we find it staring us in the face. Amen
Melonye Suarez