Psalm 70, 71
Jeremiah 4: 9-10
Romans 2: 12-24
John 5:19-29
“We as a parish, and as the broader Episcopalian community here in Houston, have been shaken by the tragic and seemingly senseless loss of Father Israel, his beaming wife Dorcas, and their precious son Jay. As we continue to try and grapple with this heartbreaking event, I find comfort in the messages of both Psalm 61 and 62.
“Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer! In despair and far from home I call to you! Take me to a safe refuge, for you are my protector, my strong defense against my enemies.” This speaks to me on many different levels, from those of us who are crying out in despair and looking for comfort and guidance to Father Israel and his family that have been taken from this mortal world to our Father’s safe refuge. Faith is not easy and not tangible, but if we listen to God and trust him, as Father Israel does, we can take solace in the fact that God is our shepherd and protector and will lead us all to his safe refuge.
David Robinson