Thursday, April 3, 2014

Stations of the Cross

Thursday, April 3
Exodus 1:6-22
Psalms 69, 73
1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Mark 8:27-9:1
The story doesn’t matter unless we understand the journey…

In studying the Stations of the Cross, we can compare them to stops on a road trip. They are like bus stops along a long, rough, winding, hole-filled road. The story being told is sad, scary, hard. It requires us to relate to the pain Jesus encountered in order for us to realize the value of why it happened. What we have to lean on is the pain of the journey leads us with purpose. Never are we able to appreciate an ending in its fullness without experiencing or relating to the details of the journey.

Easter is coming. What can be the most freeing, exciting, and joyful day of the year will be here soon. In order for us to comprehend its meaning fully, let’s take the time to focus on the journey He took in our place.

Heather Williams

Faculty, Holy Spirit Episcopal School