Friday, April 11, 2014

The Good Earth

Friday, April 11
Exodus 9:13-35
Psalms 22, 141, 143
2 Corinthians 4:1-12
Mark 10:32-45
In the book of Exodus we read about “The Plague of Hail.” Somehow it seems timely with the sequence of storms battering the UK causing devastating, widespread flooding and loss of life. Similar extreme weather is happening in our other home – the US. There are droughts on the west coast and extreme winter storms pretty much everywhere else. 

Is this the consequence of global warming? Probably. It is certainly true that carbon dioxide levels are increasing dramatically. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) they have almost doubled since 10,000 BC, with most of the increase occurring since the Industrial Revolution (see, for example). Moses tells Pharaoh that “…the earth is the LORD’s…” And so it is. And we, His children, made in His image, are destroying it. 

Paul tells us – as if we did not know – that we are hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down. He also tells us that we are not crushed, not in despair, not abandoned and not destroyed. As Christians I believe we have the responsibility to stand up against the greed of the world and do whatever we can to save it for our children and grandchildren. GOD help us in that endeavor. 

David Brown