Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6

Wednesday, April 9
Exodus 7:8-24
Psalms 119:145-176, 128, 129, 130
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6
Mark 10:1-16
We leave home just after 9am each Sunday morning. It takes about half and hour to drive to church. The service is not until 10 30 but David has choir practice. I usually fill in the time by volunteering to be a welcoming usher or make the coffee in preparation for the after service fellowship. Today was a coffee day. Coffee days are good because I can say hello to everybody and bad because we get home even later than usual. Today we left church at 1pm. I was tired and my tummy was doing major rumbles. How welcome was the aroma of pot-roast leg of lamb as we opened the front door on our return. My olfactory glands had a treat, my hunger was impatient to be satisfied,

This passage from Corinthians poses two questions for me.

Am I hungering for the word of God to be active in my life?

Am I equal to the task of recognizing those who might be hungering for God and sharing him? Will they be attracted to God by my witness?

Jane Brown