Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6
Genesis 42:1-17
Psalms 61, 62, 68
1 Corinthians 5:1-8
Mark 3:19b-35
Psalm 62
            “I depend on God alone: I put my hope in him.  He alone protects and saves me:  he is my defender, and I shall never be defeated.”

The psalms were composed by different authors over a long period of time.  They are prayers and hymns of praise and worship of God.  The psalmists wrote prayers for help, protection, and forgiveness; songs of thanksgiving for God’s blessings.   I am amazed at how long and detailed the writers made these prayers.  When we offer our own prayers to God it is usually short and succinct such as “Give me strength” or “Thank you God” unless it is one previously written.  However, I think we miss an opportunity to express ourselves to God, and to make our lives a little easier.

I love the phrase “He is my defender and I shall never be defeated.”  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to believe you would never be defeated?  In the 1970’s many of us campaigned for the equal rights amendment for women.  We fought long and hard, prayed for justice and victory, wrote to our legislators, got petitions, recruited the support of the famous and influential and marched in Washington D.C. and still we failed to get the amendment passed.  Now forty years later I know that we were not defeated.  The Holy Spirit was among us to guide us, and teach us.   Women are now more visible in religion, business, politics, and social service.  The saying “You’ve come a long way baby” is true.  I should have put my hope in Him, for in the end He is my defender, and I shall never be defeated.

This Lent try to write a prayer or hymn.  Perhaps you will write a sentence like those in the psalms that you can carry with you throughout your life.  What a gift to give yourself.

Susan Montgomery