Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday, March 7

The Third Sunday of Lent

Perpetua & her Companions, Martyrs at Carthage (202)

Genesis 44:1-17

Psalms 34, 93, 96

Romans 8:1-10

John 5:25-29

Where Are You God?

Psalm 34, Verse 4

I sought the Lord, and he answered me,

and delivered me from all my fears.

I am guilty. I am a man, after all!! Not long ago, I was to meet a friend for lunch. It was at a restaurant I had been to many times. I had trouble finding it before. This time, however, I knew where I was going. I headed out, it started raining, and my head went blank. I drove around in circles. I drove for 30 minutes (the place was 10 minutes from my office). I just knew the restaurant was just around the corner. The more frustrated I became the less I knew where I was going. I finally called the restaurant. The person who answered the phone told me to drive to I-10 and she would direct me (that was about 8 miles away). I spoke to someone else and they directed me to my destination – several blocks away.

Is that how we are in dealing with God? Do we wander around, seeking God and seeking God – waiting for an answer before we ask the question? God desires a relationship with us. God desires to have a dialogue with us. Generally, God will not call us. God will not force a relationship with us. Our relationship with God starts with prayer.

William Temple (former Archbishop of York) once wrote: When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don't, they don’t. I add to that: When I pray, I hear God, when I don’t, I don’t.

“Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).

Fr. John Pitts