Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28

The Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 41:14-45

Psalms 8, 24, 29, 84

Romans 6:3-14

John 5:19-24

Psalm 29

"... the God of glory thunders ... The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars...The voice of the strikes with flashes of lightening... The voice of the Lord shakes the desert..."

I've always loved storms. Not entirely sure why, other than it I think it started as something my father and I shared, and there are few places on earth that the storms can be more dramatic than those rolling in across Lake Erie.

My youngest sister, however, is terrified of storms. The other evening, I received a nervous voice mail message that she left while driving home through a particularly nasty storm in Phoenix. She was asking why I loved the storms, so that perhaps she could focus on something that would take her mind off her fears. It made me think -- what was it about storms that I was drawn to? Well, there isn't room here for the entire response but briefly, my explanation drew the conclusion that storms, and thunderstorms in particular, remind me that God is totally in control of everything. When the thunder rolls, it is hard to hear anything else - which hopefully reminds us that when God is speaking ( when we ask Him a question but don't shut up long enough for the answer...) we should be listening. Whatever we plan, whatever we attempt to accomplish, happens only at the whim of our Lord. Now - that can be an excuse to lay back and say, “What's the point?!” or my personal challenge - to push on and, with lots of prayers and faith, give it my best shot.

So what's your excuse? Let's say we go run in the rain!

Vicki Craven