Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 27

George Herbert, Priest (1633)

Genesis 41:1-13

Psalms 55, 138, 138:1-17

1 Corinthians 4:1-7

Mark 2:23-3:6

Psalm 138

“You answered me when I called to you.

With your strength you strengthened me.”

Recently when I had the care of my three year old grandson I asked God to give me and my husband the strength and patience to nurture and care for one so young and active. Each day I asked and each day it was there.

God gave the strength and also a renewed wonder of His universe through the eyes of a three year old. When he saw the moon and stars he was excited and clapped his hands. An ordinary lead would capture his interest for a long time, a squirrel eating a nut would amaze him. Through his smile and the delight in his eyes I once again marveled at the many wonderful things our Lord has given us.

Even as wars wage, even as economies teeter, even as we experience sickness, loss and helplessness God is there when we call and with his strength we shall be strengthened. Believe it.

Susan Montgomery