Saturday, March 30, 2013


Saturday, March 30
Job 19:21-27a
Psalms 27, 95, 88
Hebrews 4:1-16 or Romans 8:1-11
Romans 8:1-11

Sometimes I find myself getting way too caught up in material things – like obsessing over the newest designer jeans or the must-have Ugg boots. It’s okay to want things, but when it starts to become a distraction from God, then it becomes an issue.

We, as Christians, take for granted so much of what God has given us. He has given us free will, worth, and a purpose in this lifetime. We can call on God at anytime we need Him, guaranteed. He listens to us, and helps us continue in this blessed life He has granted us.

Why would we not want to have that comfort from Him? When we are closest to Him, we have confidence and pure happiness in all situations, but when our selfish desires start to get in the way, the littlest things (like having to have those designer jeans) becomes the end of the world! That’s why we need to focus on Christ and not the silly things that are considered important in this materialistic world we have created. Unfortunately, that is not an easy task to keep, which is why we must rely on God and ask Him to help us keep our main priorities, like worshiping Him, first.

Brooke Fendley
7th Grader, Holy Spirit Episcopal School