Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday, December 17
Zechariah 8:9-17
Psalms 55, 138, 139
Revelations 6:1-17
Matthew 25:31-46

"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you."
 -Psalm 55:22

What an amazing promise that our God has made to all of us who believe in Christ.  Can you imagine anyone in your life today taking on such a responsibility for you?  It is truly unimaginable, a nearly impossible feat.  Yet, here the Lord is, in all of his glory, everyday, asking us to believe and come follow Him.  To place our fears, anxieties, and troubles on Him and have trust and faith in His plan for each one of us.  We know from scripture that God knows everything about us, completely, to the "...number of hairs on our head" (Matthew 10:30).  So why do we so consistently take advantage of His promise?  Why do we more often than not follow our own path without his consultation?  Why do we have trust issues? 

I would argue that we often choose our own direction because we know that in return for that promise we have certain obligations that we have to fulfill to be Men and Women of Christ.  That for us to truly walk with Christ we must turn over our heart, completely, to the Lord.  We must serve Him, daily, in our thoughts, words, and actions.  We must treat our neighbors as ourselves and give all Glory to Him.  In Matthew we learn about how "Jesus Tells about the Final Judgment".  The importance of this parable is to recognize and serve where service is needed.  We are asked to serve our neighbor and then give the glory to God.  "...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40).

The relevance of this parable during this season of Advent is striking.  We end up wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the season, the fashionable “stress” and the overwhelming desire to spend, spend, spend.  When what we should be wrapping our selves around is our obligation to our Lord and Savior to serve those in need.  We all have the ability to serve.  These acts of kindness are not dependent on our wealth, intelligence, or our ability but our desire and willingness to help.

This season I hope to serve more than I spend so that His promise for me may be fulfilled. 

"...But as for me, I trust in You."
-Psalm 55:23

Courtneay Odden