Sunday, December 18, 2011


Sunday, December 18
Genesis 3:8-15
Psalms 8, 24, 29, 84
Revelations 12:1-10
John 3:16-21

Psalm 29

"Bravo, God bravo!
Gods and all angels shout, ‘Encore!’
In awe before the glory,
in awe before God's visible power.
Stand at attention!
Dress your best to honor him!”
From The Message

I love The Message!  It puts into today's language and it comes alive for me.  Do you remember when the saying "Your Sunday Best" denoting the care with which you dressed for church?  Some of that has gone but we still can shout, “Bravo, God bravo!”  What an awesome God he is.

My granddaughter was driving to College Station to visit her brother (in school there) and my son and his family.  She reached down for a CD and when she looked up she was in the grass in the median.  She rolled three times!  The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was, "Help me Jesus."  The first person at the wreck was an army paramedic!  I believe it was the hand of God!  She crawled into the back window found Maggie's phone and started calling.  My son got the call and he was able to get Katie who was driving to Houston just before she came upon the wreck.  

The hand of God was all over this and we are very grateful.

Bravo, God bravo!

In His name,
Lynn Mather