Amos 7:10-17
Psalm 26, 28
Revelations 1: 9-16
Matthew 22: 34-46
Very truly, I tell you, the hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. John 5:25
All too often in today’s world, we race from this meeting to that event and then to another meeting. We grab a meal when we can and try to be at home to spend “quality time” with our spouse and children. All too often, the children are in bed and our spouse is tired and ready to call it a night. We head to bed knowing that the next day will be the same. Inside we are dying. We can’t catch a break much less a breath.
Is this living?
If God called you today to tell you of His love for you, would you hear it? If God called you today to give you some direction for your life, would you hear it? If God called you today just to say hello, would you hear it?
All too often we live out our lives as if we are dead. We are on auto-pilot just trying to get through another day. We don’t have the time to listen. We don’t have the time to pray. We don’t have time to tell God of our needs.
God IS calling out to you and me each day. God IS calling out to tell us of His love for us, his plans for us, and a path to simplify our lives to make room for His love.
Come alive this Advent. Take a few minutes each day to take the call from your Creator – it will change your life and you will become truly alive.
The Reverend John Pitts