Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Zechariah 4:1-14
Psalm 50
Revelations 4:9-5:5
Matthew 25:1-13

 "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom." 

The season of Advent is all about focusing our attention on the coming of Christ. The Gospel message for today is one of my favorite life lessons which translates for me along the lines of 'be prepared, don't get caught with an empty gas tank, and be sure to have extra goodies in the freezer in case a special guest or family member appears at the door at dinner time'. 

But hopefully that preparation is about more than just material necessities. We learn in the scripture that the wise bridesmaids (aka virgins) had oil in their torches, but also extra oil for when the lamps went out. As with all parables, Jesus' message to us is a warning wrapped in a story. We must be fortified with His light and Word to help us when our lamp has been dimmed by stress, loss, or the other challenges of this life. For me that includes His Word but also our faith community, friends and family. The key is intentionality - just like the bridesmaids who packed extra oil...we need to make the time to do the things that will keep our lamps lit.

Vicki Cravens