Psalm 6
Jeremiah 15: 10-21
Philippians 3: 15-21
John 12: 20-26
From the passage in Jeremiah, I am struck by the fact that Jeremiah complains to God, which many of us do, but that he also received reassurance. Don’t we all wish that we received reassurance? Though when we actually read the reassurance he is offered, I’m not sure I would take it either. God doesn't promise Jeremiah that no one will come after him or attack him, God promises Jeremiah
that he would not lose. God will be with him, protect him, and hold him.
From the Gospel passage, we hear Jesus using another agricultural metaphor to explain what has to happen to him. The disciples do not want to understand, but this one is fairly easy to understand in retrospect. When we plant seeds, they have to die, have to be broken open to be able to grow into plants. I would think that as a seed, that must hurt! To give up life for a plant you have never seen. Yet, the potential is of great proportions. From one seed can come bounteous grain. Think about how many tomatoes come from one plant. Or zucchini. We almost hope they won’t be too plentiful each year or we won’t have anyone else to whom to give them.
As we walk this week towards the cross, we each need the reassurance that God is with us, yet, we need to remember what the cross does for us. Jesus died so that we may grow in bounty. We must let our sins die with Christ, so that we may with him in glory.
The Reverend Elizabeth Yale