Psalm 97, 99, 100
Jeremiah 17: 19– 27
Romans 7: 13-25
John 6: 16-27
Psalm 97: 7 “Confounded be all who worship carved images and delight in falsegods!
Bow down before him, all you gods."
Well, today is St. Patrick’s Day and since I am steeped in Patrick culture, being Irish, I could not miss the opportunity to pass on his legend as it relates to verse 7 of Psalm 97. Patrick’s success in converting the Celtic Irish to Christianity hinges on Patrick’s confrontation with the High King of Ireland. Legend has it that Patrick lighted a fire to celebrate Easter during the Celtic springtime fire festival known as Beltane. The ritual commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the High King's fire, from which all the other fires in the land would be lit. The High King sent nine chariots to vanquish Patrick and put out his fire. Circling counter to the sun's path, the chariots attacked, but were unable to prevail against the holy fire. The High King is said to have accepted Patrick’s faith as superior to pagan ritual and so began the rest of the story.
So, what carved images and rituals need Christ’s help to see thrown down? Lent is the time to “clean house” and Spring clean. It is too much self and not enough others? Is it too much time talking and not talking to God? Too much doing and not enough reflecting? Too much taking and not enough giving. I’m talking about me and not about you!
Well, that’s enough about what I need to do and I’ll leave you to draw up your own strategy. I hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day and success with your plan.
John McGarvey