Psalm 42, 43
Jeremiah 10: 11-24
Romans 5: 12-21
John 8: 21-32
I've never been a Psalms “fan” – so many are convoluted, hard to understand, and, finally, most psalms seem to be authored by moaners and groaners – “Oh, poor me”, “Nobody understands me”, etc. etc.
However, these two psalms are about long for God’s presence – and who hasn't been there? I think everyone of us wants to feel closer to God or, better yet, God closer to us.
These two psalms share the same theme and the same refrain. The psalmist is in exile in the north, surrounded by godless men who mock his faith. Feeling very downhearted, he thinks of past joys when he led the pilgrim crown to the sanctuary:
“42.4 These things I remember as I pour out my soul – how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God with shouts of joy and thanksgiving.”
Remembering this happy event, the psalmist regrets his sadness and says with his new outlook, “Put your hope in God; I will praise him, my Savior and my God.”
What a complete turn-around in his attitude simply by recalling a wonderful time in his life when his faith was strong.
Haven’t all of us had like times in our lives when we've temporarily forgotten how much we have to be thankful for and, like the psalmist, experience a renewed and refreshed faith in God and have the wonderful feeling of His presence in our lives. Hallelujah!!
Virginia McGarvey