Psalm 80
Jeremiah 7: 1-15
Romans 4: 1-12
John 7: 14-36
Psalm 80:19 “Bring us back Lord God Almighty
Show us your mercy, and we will be saved."
This prayer was written when Israel had been defeated in war and their nation was taken from them. There is no argument that war is the worst experience of humanity. War destroys cities, pollutes land and sea, and causes thousands of human deaths. Yet very few of us have ever experienced the destruction of our homes by war.
In my lifetime there was always a war that involved our nation, but it never changed my environment. As a child during World War II we played war in our peaceful backyards and rode our bikes on quiet roads. We didn't worry about bombs falling or our homes being destroyed. We complained about ra-
tioning and food shortages. We prayed for the safety of our relatives in the armed forces. We have truly felt God’s mercy.
Lent is a time for thoughtful reflection. Let us pray for all those who live in constant danger and those who live with war all around them. Let us remember all those who have fought and died for our freedom and the freedom of others. Let us lift our voices in thanksgiving to God for our peaceful nation, and for all the mercies He has shown us. Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Susan Montgomery