Psalm 31
Jeremiah 24: 1-10
Romans 9: 19-33
John 9: 1-17
There is a love for sinners like me
There is a love for all of us
There is a love that teaches us to be full of compassion for others
Instead self-concerns
There is a love
A feast of gratitude
Not discontent
There is a love that teaches us patience instead of anger
Faith instead of fear
Have you woke up in the middle night
And found yourself praying?
There is a love that can’t be bought
There is a love that won’t forsake us
One that no good deeds can buy
Don’t “bite your tongue purple”
Speak the words God like Mark did
Speak the holy word like brother Jeremiah
Speak like Mathew, Luke or John
Speak like the Romans did for the good news
Jeremy Jjemba