Saturday, April 5
33, 102, 108
Corinthians 13:1-13
The reading I have chosen for today is considered
to be one of the most beautiful passages in all of the Bible – of course, it is
the one chosen for many weddings and is about that most wondrous of personal
assets – LOVE!!
When we realize that Corinth was a very large
“open” city known as a “hangout” for prostitutes, strippers, gamblers, drug
dealers, etc. (I am thinking Houston,
Las Vegas, New York City, etc.), it is a wonder that Paul decided to stay here
for 18 months to bring the gospel to this “lost” city. My NIV Student Bible tells me that “For their
religious ideal, the fun-loving Corinthians adopted Venus, the goddess of love.
A temple built in her honor employed more than 1,000 prostitutes.”
When I realize what an uphill battle Paul had in
that this was one city “least likely to convert,” I cannot conceive of his
willingness to take on this mission. It makes me think of times when
door-to-door salespeople come to my door selling everything from soup to nuts
and though I try not to be rude, I make it very plain that I am not interested
in what they are selling and to leave my premises ASAP! Paul must have gone
through far more unpleasant receptions than door-to-door salespeople receive,
yet the church he founded became one of the largest in the first century. Isn’t
that amazing? What a salesman for Jesus’ gospel he was and is in light of the
fact that we are still reading and believing his message some 2,000 years later
and which undoubtedly will continue to be read and loved for 2,000 more years!
Then, on top of all the negatives he faced and
endured, he wrote this astounding message of the meaning of love which ends
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is
love.” As his death came closer, Paul said, “I have fought the good fight, I
have kept the faith,” etc. Indeed he did do that and much more; would that we
could all say the same when our time comes.
Virginia McGarvey