Friday, March 14, 2014

Mark 2:13-22

Friday, March 14
Genesis 40:1-23
Psalms 40, 51, 54
1 Corinthians 3:16-23

Mark 2:13-22
I think it’s a really good thing that the Pharisees were around, because they give Jesus so many opportunities to teach us what God’s love is really like, and how we are supposed to share that message with others. In Mark 2:13-22, Jesus responds to the Pharisees’ questions and criticisms by telling them that his message is for sinners, the people who need to hear it, so that is where he goes. He also tells them it is right to celebrate and be happy that Jesus is in our lives.

Jesus is all about making us stretch ourselves, isn’t he? This is not a typical activity for me, but I recently had the opportunity to listen to someone’s story, someone that had a very different life than I have had. I would rate homelessness as one of the more positive things in his past. He barely knew us, but he told me and my friends his story, he included many details that he could have glossed over, and how his life was changed through God’s grace and the help of some people that answered Jesus’ call to serve those most in need. After his life was changed, he stayed and served along with the people that helped him. Needless to say, I was way more blessed by his time than he was by mine. I met this man at Lord of the Streets just a few weeks ago.

I don’t know if I can stretch as far, or as quickly as Jesus might like for me to, but I know I can stretch a little. I can make things less about me, and more about others, I can listen to people who need to share their story, and be more concerned with trying to understand others, and less consumed by asking to be understood.


Melonye Suarez