Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19
Jeremiah 25:8-17
Psalms 121,122,123, 124, 125, 126
Romans 10:1-13
John 9:18-41
“I was glad when they said unto me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’”
Psalm 122: 1

How true is the first verse of the 122nd Psalm!  Life’s events, such as illness, work schedules, trips out of town to see elderly parents, keep me from attending services every week, so I’m always so glad to come to church.  It is my touchstone, anchoring my life weekly no matter what turmoil may be going on.

Although I try to live in faith every day, coming into the house of the Lord means so much to me for many reasons.  In my journey of faith, the simple act of taking the bread and the cup each time leaves me with a feeling of being connected through the mists of time to the very essence of our faith, and to the countless followers of Christ back to the 12 at the last supper.  It is one of my spiritual touchstones that helps ground me. It times of personal turmoil it calms me. 

When I go to the house of the Lord I think of people around the world who, for whatever reasons, are unable to freely assemble and worship together and it reminds me how blessed I am to be able to come, unthreatened, openly, joyfully!

Coming to the house of the Lord reunites me with members of my church family and the life of my parish, my spiritual home.  When we, as a people, are struggling to make sense of some tragedy such as September 11, or the aftermath of hurricane Ike, the act coming together as a people of faith reassures and renews me. 

In fellowship with my church family I find myself eagerly wanting to do more for my parish and community.  For things I am already involved doing, I feel renewed and recommitted to the task. I also have the opportunity to connect with others that have become so dear to me, and to give them a hug along with words of endearment and encouragement. When I am low, I find I receive the same from others.

Granted, our faith should not dwell solely in the house of the Lord as we are to live it every day no matter where we are or whom we are with. But, to join others in His house is such a blessing and joy, that I am always glad when they say, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”
Amen and amen.

Lyn Morris