Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14
Jeremiah 22:13-23
Psalms 69, 73
Romans 8:12-27
John 6:41-51
 Justice and Perseverance

In reflecting on today’s readings, my mind kept returning to two words: perseverance and justice.  In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells the murmuring Jews that He is the path to the Father and eternal life.  This is a cornerstone of our faith.  When the chips are down, however, faith is often doubted.  We are tempted to question God’s plan for us.  In the pursuit of earthly greatness, faith can be forgotten.  We are tempted to believe in our own prowess and focus on our own earthly desires at the expense of others.  I know I have experienced, and succumbed to, these temptations. 

Today’s readings reminded me that justice and perseverance are the antidotes to these temptations.  Persevering in faith will sustain me and help me resist the temptation to throw in the towel on God’s plan for me when the chips are down and the path forward seems too difficult.  Perseverance in faith sustained the psalmist and the early Roman Christian.  Conversely, achieving earthly success through just means allows me to remain in harmony with God’s plan.  As a lawyer, Jeremiah’s message that God demands that earthly success and greatness be built on justice and due regard for the needs of others resonated deeply with me. 

Therefore, in this Lenten season, my prayers will revolve around perseverance and justice.   

Mike Lennon