29:1, 4-13
Psalms 22, 141, 143
Romans 11:13-24
John 11:1-27 or 12:1-10
Psalms 22, 141, 143
Romans 11:13-24
John 11:1-27 or 12:1-10
John 12:1-10
Let Jesus Set Our
poignant scene in which Mary takes an expensive ointment to the feet of Jesus,
wiping them with her own hair, illustrates a vivid truth in our discipleship.
Judas objects to the use of such an expensive commodity--it could take
care of plenty of more pressing needs--but Jesus rebukes him and delivers a
lesson for his disciples. John has Jesus saying, "You will always
have the poor among you," which of course has been the source of countless
theological reflections. We can safely assume that Our Lord did not mean
to minimize the needs of the poor. He could just as easily have said,
"You will always have resources available," something that is true
for most of us today. Rather, Christ calls us to be abundant in our
expression of joy in his presence. Even during Lent, we worship the Risen
Lord. Easter is in every breath of the believer. As Mary was a
humble and gentle servant, she was also uninhibited in her joy. A good
approach to our Lenten journey.
Fr. Bill Fowler
Interim Rector, Holy Spirit
Episcopal Church