Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22
Exodus 1:6-22
Psalms 69, 73
1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Mark 8:27-9:1
Good morning, God. Thank you for reminding me of how my spiritual ancestors suffered under the tyrannical pharaoh, yet you were in the midst of them, using the lowly yet brave midwives to exemplify faithful servanthood.  Even in their justified fear they obeyed you, not your enemy.  There is so much tyranny, brutality, hopelessness and oppression in our world today.  Who are your faithful servants in the midst of this?  Is it I, Lord?

Thank you for the psalmist who felt he was drowning in the pressures and demands of life, yet called out to you for redemption and salvation.  My life is sometimes overwhelming and I am so blinded by minutiae that I cannot see you in its midst.  Please open my eyes and purify my heart.

Thank you for leading me to your body, the Church.  Am I a fully functioning body part?  Lead me on to seek needed rehabilitation so that I may both suffer and rejoice with my fellow members for your sake.

What’s that you say?  I must lose my life in order to save it?  Blessed Jesus, you have my all this day; for all that I am and have and know and desire is from you. I ask only that you free me to be your slave, your faithful servant.

Portia Sweet