Genesis 47:1-26
Psalms 88, 91, 92
1 Corinthians 9:16-27
Mark 6:47-56
Mark: 6:47-56 - Jesus Walks on the Water
In the reading from Mark, we are told that the disciples cried out and were terrified when they saw Jesus walk across the lake out to their boat. Mark does not sympathize or make excuses for the disciples at being frozen, jaws dropped on the deck of the boat, at the site of Jesus walking on the water. No, instead he rather severely criticizes them, and says that their “hearts were hardened”, like those that opposed Jesus. Just before this, the disciples had witnessed the feeding of the five thousand, and if they had truly believed that it was Jesus that was responsible for that event, then they would not be afraid now. But they had doubted, and decided that there must have been some other explanation for all those baskets of crumbs that they gathered. They simply did not understand.
I don’t know about you, but I take great comfort in the fact that the disciples, the inner circle of Jesus’s ministry on earth, could be blind at times to the magnitude of what Jesus was doing here on earth, and who he really was.
I’ve seen God’s miracles in my life and the lives of those I love, but I do have a tendency to be like the disciples and only notice the really big things. I also know a few people that see miracles all around them. You probably know a few as well, or maybe you are one of those people. I am drawn to those people as I can sense their great faith, and I wish for it.
I pray for the faith to see more of God’s miracles.
Melonye Suarez