Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14

Jeremiah 26:1-16

Psalms 131, 132, 133, 140, 142

Romans 11:1-12

John 10:19-42

“I will not rest nor sleep until I provide a place for the Lord” (Psalm 132 Vss. 4,5)

Dates are important. Today, April 14, happens to be the date, fifty four years ago, when my wife accepted my proposal of marriage (she reminded me of the significance of this date!). In the context of eternity life is short, but to us humans it seems long at times and remembering dates is a useful talent.

Many historians and theologians have spent a great deal of time and energy trying to establish the exact year, day and hour of Jesus’ crucifixion, but no one really knows. Does it matter? I don’t think so. We know from scripture that a series of really astonishing events took place in Jerusalem about two thousand years ago over the period of days we now call Easter. We also know that Jesus prepared himself by prayer, fasting and contemplation during the forty days we now call Lent. And Jesus invited his friends, the apostles, to join with him in an hour of prayer. It seems to have been more than they could handle – perhaps they were not aware of the extraordinary significance of this invitation – and the remarkable events which would follow.

As we commemorate these great events we too are invited by Jesus to prepare with him during this season of Lent. With our hindsight and better knowledge of the events which took place can we do better than the apostles? I hope and pray we can.

“Remember, O Lord, what you have wrought in us and not what we deserve; and as you have called us to your service make us worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen” -- BCP

Ron Merrett