Sunday, April 3
Jeremiah 14:1-9, 17-22
Psalms 19, 46, 66, 67
Galatians 4:21-5:1
Mark 8:11-21
From The Message…
Meanwhile, the disciples were finding fault with
each other because they had forgotten to bring
bread. Jesus overheard and said, "Why are you
fussing because you forgot bread? Don't you see
the point of all this? Don't you get it at all?
Remember the five loaves I broke for the five thousand? How many baskets of leftovers did
you pick up?" They said, "Twelve." Mark 8:16-19
I think all of us “don’t get it” when we are faced with trauma or sickness (family, friend, ourselves), or panic over money problems. We take it on as our problem to work out ourselves, forgetting we are not in this alone.
I try to pray early every morning (on my knees). I read the scriptures for the day and read our Day by Day (I am so glad our prisoner is coming back in April) and then try to leave all my problems and concerns, prayers for other people and my family with the “Mighty Chessman.”
A friend gave me a sign that hangs on my closet door. It reads, “God answers knee mail.” I need to remember that!!!
In His name,
Lynn Mather