Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25

Jeremiah 5:1-9

Psalms 95, 69, 73

Romans 2:25-3:18

John 5:30-47

Today's readings remind me of something a baseball coach once told our team (or yelled repeatedly on the field), "Quit making it hard on yourself; work as a team!" It seems so simple, but can be hard to put into play.

The readings today all weave together for a beautiful tapestry of the old and New Testament, faith and laws, and inner and outer appearances. Jeremiah 5:1-9 begins by hunting for one person who is faithful and in John 5:30-47, Jesus is telling the Jews they know the scripture but fail to believe God standing before them. Additionally the readings of Psalms and Romans searching their hearts. The struggle is apparent like an athlete training to be physically conditioned and see outward results.

In all the readings today and in Lent, search your heart. Investigate like Jeremiah searching Jerusalem and Jesus questioning Jews, explore who is in your heart and who is your strength and salvation. Is Jesus on your team? Is my game plan working? or as my coach drilled, "making it hard on yourself?"

Eleanor Sheldon