Friday, March 11
Deuteronomy 7:12-16
Psalms 31, 35, 95
Titus 2:1-15
John 1:35-42
Titus 2:1-15
This passage spoke to me personally because it is saying to teach good for the sake of the Gospel. Because I have a seventeen-year-old son leaving for college in August I really felt that my heart was in this passage. For all these years as Jackson's Mom I have been trying to instill in him principles and values that can take him into manhood. God offers salvation to all for the sake of heeding His teachings and living according to His doctrine. He shows us that trusting in His teachings and passing them on can bring a life of eternal happiness. The years of teaching my son godliness, integrity, self-control, and character on a daily basis are quickly coming to a close in our home. What remains to be seen is how the fruits of these teachings will be revealed in his adult years. I hope that our years of teaching Christ's love and commandments will surface so that he will carry it into his own family when the time comes. His 8 years of acolyting and 2 years of chalice bearing have shown a commitment that I hope will continue in his spirit with Christ. God says to teach what is good with the authority that comes from knowing its righteousness. Do not cower in His teachings and be proud to pass on His message. I trust that I have followed His wishes and that His goodness and love will come forth in Jackson's future.
Stephanie Hart