Wednesday, March 31
Wednesday of Holy Week
John Donne, Priest (1631)
Lamentations 2:1-9, 14-17
Psalms 55, 74
2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11
Mark 12:1-11
Mark 12: 1-11
This parable of the vineyard planted by the faithful farmer who expects his servants to work hard and bring in a great harvest of grapes resonates with us because all of us have expectations of how our best-made plans should turn out. God is no different and we are His servants of whom He expects much. In this story, though, the servants turn out, beat and finally kill the farmer's own son in their attempt to take the vineyard for themselves. Jesus says the farmer's wrath will be terrible and that the vineyard will be given to others who will start anew and who will do his will.
This analogy of the old covenant being replaced by the new is clear, but we should not be too quick in thinking it has only to do with what happened two thousand years ago. We must be honest and ask how we are to God's bidding. There must be an assessment of our responsiveness to what Jesus' own example should elicit from us. We are too quick to presume upon grace and too slow in answering the admonishment of God.
Fr. David Puckett