Tuesday, March 2
Chad, Bishop of Lichfield (672)
Psalms 61, 62, 68:1-20(21-23)24-36
In Mark’s gospel, the relatives of Jesus believe he has gone mad. He would expect opposition from the Jewish authorities – but his own people? Sometimes the hardest opposition we face as Christians comes from those that are closest to us. We can fight the outsiders, defending our faith with pride and strength. But how do we fight those we love?
Jesus makes it clear that membership in God’s spiritual family is more important than membership in our human family. If we want to live in true freedom from Satan’s power, then our “house,” which is our mind, heart and soul, must be ruled by God’s Holy Word. Satan is an evil force that wants to take away our faith and allegiance to God. The only way Satan can have power over us is if we listen to his lies and allow his influence to alter our behavior and beliefs. There is no room for blasphemy. That is a “sin with eternal consequences.” We must always remain true to God’s word and wrap ourselves in His grace.
"Lord Jesus, you are my hope and salvation. Be the ruler of my heart and the master of my home. May there be nothing in my life that is not under your lordship."
Claire Martin