Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, March 14

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Genesis 48:8-22

Psalms 19, 46, 66, 67

Romans 8:11-25

John 6:27-40

Genesis 48:8-22

The life of Joseph is a wonderful example of how we can follow God but still not have our lives go smoothly as planned. Joseph spent years struggling in slavery and wrongful imprisonment in Egypt. Then finally God gave him the success He had promised.

Jacob had long ago given his son up for dead, yet marveled that they were together again. Not only that, but Jacob was given the opportunity to bless his grandsons.

There is nothing in the passage that indicates that they were bitter over lost time, or angry with Joseph’s brothers for their betrayal.

We all know what it is like to be separated from loved ones. We must remember that God has made it a temporary situation. We may never again see a believing friend or family member on Earth, but they will be with the Lord in eternity.

This lent, we must ask God to help us give up things like bitterness and fear. Like Jacob and Joseph, let us rejoice in what God has done, and in what He will do.

Susannah Westlake