Tuesday, February 23
Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr of Smyrna (156)
Imagine a life where your week’s work was that of the Lord and for an hour or so on Sunday you took a break from the Lord’s work to go to the office. A nice thought, but with some consideration, a thought that provides comfort.
Priorities sometimes get out of order and the focus that I feel I should have slowly becomes blurred with distractions of the world. When this happens it is important to take the time out of my routine to get back to my center and push Jesus back to the “work” of my week. If I can just pray… and listen, I can push the world back to its rightful place and allow the voice of Jesus to be heard. We hear the “work of the Lord” often on Sunday but not nearly as often Monday through Saturday. If we can bring heaven a little closer and make the “Lord’s work” our work a little more often, the comfort that we all desire will begin to be the routine. In this Lenten Season take comfort in the Lord’s work and allow Christ to be your center.
Kevin Odden