Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25

Genesis 39:1-23

Psalms 19, 46, 50

1 Corinthians 2:14-3:15

Mark 2:1-12

“Therefore neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth.”

1 Corinthians 3:7.

If the gardener is not the being who brings the plant to life but God, then every little blade of grass is a miracle from the Lord. I find this to be a very warm and comforting notion, because that means all around us is living, breathing, growing proof of God. The leaf on a bush, the petals on a rose, and the fruit on a tree are all undeniable proof of God. So I invite you in this Lenten season to take a look outside and admire nature for what it is, God’s miracle.

Phillip Eukel