Sunday, March 11, 2012


Sunday, March 11
Genesis 44:1-17
Psalms 34, 93, 96
Romans 8:1-10
John 5:25-29
Back when I was 13 years old, I had just lost my first boyfriend and I was pretty distraught.  My brother, who was in high school at the time, offered some perspective that has stuck with me over the years.  He said that life is made of highs and lows, and it’s important that we experience both.  He said that it’s during these low times when we grow the most as people, and the change and transformation we experience will ultimately make us stronger.

I was reminded of this conversation recently when I was thinking on the change we’re undergoing at Holy Spirit.  It was so hard to let our rectors go, and it sometimes feels like we’re being forced off the high dive and into the unknown.  It’s also difficult to hear of individuals and families who have chosen not to take this leap with the rest of us.

But this Sunday, I looked around and saw the chairs filled.  I saw familiar faces and laughed and talked in fellowship after church.  The people are the church, and every single person is an important member of our family at Holy Spirit.  This is a time of change, and it’s a time to leap off that high dive, having faith that God will deliver us through this time and transform us into a stronger church.


Susan Diemont-Conwell