Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday, March 24
Exodus 2:23-3:15
Psalms 33, 102, 108
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Mark 9:14-29
Hills and Valleys

The Old Testament and the gospel readings have a lot in common. God approaches Moses in a miraculous way (a burning bush that does not burn) and Moses is overwhelmed by his unworthiness. “…Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh….” (Exodus 3:11) and, again, “…what shall I tell them.…” (Exodus 3:13).  Peter, James and John come down from the mountain after their own devastating encounter with the living God (the Transfiguration) and what do they find?  Disciples who have failed to cast out a demon (Mark 9:18).

So we have two themes:  God intervening in our lives to encourage us and to ask us to go out into the world to do His work; and our own feeling of unworthiness, reinforced by the pressures from an increasingly secular world.

The worst part of a mountaintop experience is coming down – usually with a bang!

I pray that God will come to you from time to time – perhaps in a home group, or during worship, or, as He did to me, during a retreat like Cursillo.  Even more I pray that you can live faithfully in the valleys of your life by following regular routines of daily bible reading and prayer.

God bless you from far away!

David Brown