Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23
Habakkuk 3:1-18
Psalm 37
Philippians 3:12-21
John 17:1-8
Psalm 37
(in particular the evening part verses 19-40)

I was tired and hungry.  We were walking between decaying offices, derelict buildings.  The ground was strewn with debris cast to the ground either by time or vandal.  I said to myself “Make sure you pick your feet up over those metal rods.”  I forgot.  I did not pick up my feet.  I stumbled, I fell, headlong. I broke my elbow.  God was not holding my hand.

Or was it that I had not been holding his hand.  My concentration was on my hunger, not where my feet were treading.  My feelings, not my actions were uppermost in my mind.  So much so that I forgot to listen to the words in my head that would have prevented the fall.  Yes I do believe that God is involved in the whole of our life but we do have to listen and obey.

Jane Brown