Sunday, December 11, 2011


Sunday, December 11
Amos 9:11-15    2
Psalms 63, 98, 103
Thessalonians 2:1-3, 13-17
John 5:30-47

The Lord works righteousness and justice
to all who are oppressed.  - Psalm 103: 6

Click on the TV news and it doesn’t take long to find a story about an individual or group of people who are oppressed.  Sure, it takes different forms.  There are countries who deny people a voice, who strip them of their rights.  There are hate groups who espouse the oppression of a group of people based on skin color or sexual orientation.  In our own country, there are people who actively use the political process to further an agenda that openly marginalizes people.  And in our schools, oppression in the form of bullying has led to thousands of suicides among young teens.  Oppression is so much a part of our lives that it’s easy to become inured.  It’s easy to expect someone else to fix it — someone else to stand up and speak for those who have been held down.

But as Christians, God calls us to act.  It is not an easy calling.  It is not always the safe or popular path.  But we are his hands and feet on this earth, and we are called to deliver those who suffer.

Susan Diemont-Conwell