Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, December 3
Amos 5:18-27
Psalms 20, 21, 110, 116, 117
Jude 17-25
Matthew 22:15-
 Jude 17-25

In this reading, Jude tells Christians how to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus. Then they can help other Christians do the same. 

Jude is offering encouragement and reminds the children of God this is not something unexpected, that we were warned by the Apostles that there would be “mockers” of the faith in the end times and that they would live to satisfy their own ungodly lusts.  Men who would present themselves as great spiritual leaders, but they were in fact, driven by their own desires, or there were those who are considered “scholars” who look down upon those who do not believe as they believe.  They are, as Jude says: “barren of life and twice dead.”

Characteristics of:
FALSE TEACHERS                                   GOD BELIEVERS
1. Empty of God or Spirit                       1. Humble children of God
2. Put on a “show” of their “faith”        2. Childlike belief in God’s word
3.  Believers can lose their salvation      3. Salvation is ours through Jesus

God gives us the resources to overcome these “false teachers.” He gives us his word, his truth.  And we must use those tools to build a strong common faith, then together with God, we can overcome these who would have us live as they live.

It is easy to become discouraged as a God believer when it seems “evil” is winning, but our salvation is in Christ Jesus. We must maintain a healthy relationship with God through spending time with him, praying to him, listening to him, and desiring to please him.

Our task is to be faithful and to defend the faith that has redeemed us and thereby bring glory to our Lord and Redeemer.

In this time of transition as a church family, we must be open about our faith, honest about our beliefs, and hold each other up in prayer and thought, and action.  There is strength in unity and power in community. For as Christ loves us, we must love each other.

Carrie Speich-Davis